storageref를 활용하여 이미지를 firestore에 넣고
How to upload image to firebase storage for Editor.js?
I am trying to add image upload functionality in Editor.js by using backend file uploader endpoint. In the backend, I am uploading this file to firebase storage. But actually I am able to extract the
발생된 URL을 DB에 넣어준다.
그리고 이미지를 불러올 땐
해당 URL을 불러와서 보여줄 수 있도록 한다.
config: {
uploader: {
async uploadByFile(file) {
var storageRef = storage.ref();
var imagesRef = storageRef.child('EditorJS').child('images/'+;
var metadata = {
contentType: 'image/jpeg'
var uploadTask = await imagesRef.put(file, metadata);
console.log("Uploaded successfully!", uploadTask);
const downloadURL = await uploadTask.ref.getDownloadURL();
return {
success: 1,
file: {
url: downloadURL
const db=firebase.firestore();
const ImageTool = window.ImageTool;
const editor = new EditorJS({
holder: 'editorjs',
placeholder: 'Enter Card Content',
tools: {
header: {
class: Header,
inlineToolbar: ['link']
list: {
class: List,
inlineToolbar: ['link','bold']
embed: {
class: Embed,
inlineToolbar: false,
config: {
services: {
youtube: true,
coub: true
image: {
class: ImageTool,
config: {
uploader: {
async uploadByFile(file) {
let storageRef =;
let imagesRef = storageRef.child('EditorJS').child('images/'+;
let metadata = {
contentType: 'image/jpeg'
let uploadTask = await imagesRef.put(file, metadata);
const downloadURL = await uploadTask.ref.getDownloadURL();
return {
success: 1,
file: {
url: downloadURL
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